Pyramids of Giza & the Sphinx and the Egyptian flag

What's Up, World? Egypt

Visit this exciting country in Northern Africa. 

Welcome to Egypt, home to 100 million people and many of the greatest ancient treasures in the world! The land is mostly desert here. So the first cities grew on the land along the Nile, Egypt’s largest river.  

About 5,000 years ago, these cities became the heart of a mighty civilization. One of its leaders, or pharaohs, was Amenhotep I. He ruled 3,500 years ago. When he died, his organs were put into jars. His body was wrapped in cloth strips. This is called mummification. Ancient Egyptians believed the dead needed their bodies in the afterlife, so they tried to preserve them.  

Two months ago, Egyptian scientists announced big news. They looked inside Amenhotep’s mummy without even touching it. They used X-rays and computers to “see” his skeleton under the cloth. Experts could learn about the leader without damaging his mummy.

Creature Feature 

Arabian camels are used to carry loads or people. Weighing up to 1,600 pounds, they can go for days without drinking and are sometimes called the “ships of the desert.” Their long lashes protect their eyes from desert sand, and their nostrils can squeeze shut.


Sham El-Nessim is a national holiday in Egypt at the start of spring. Family members gather together outside for picnics. They meet in parks, along the Nile River, and in other green spaces. They often give boiled eggs they have colored as gifts. 

Mostafa Sabry/Anadolu Agency/Getty Images

Fun and Games

Ancient Egyptians played games like handball. Today it is a popular sport. Two teams have seven players each. They dribble or throw a ball toward the other team’s goal. Only goalkeepers can kick the ball.  

neonshot/Adobe Stock

Let's Eat!

In Egypt’s busy cities, people often eat street food on the go. One favorite food is shawarma. That’s slices of meat that have been stacked in the shape of a cone and roasted. As the cone is turned, the meat is sliced off and served in wraps. 

Yum! Shawarma!

Look At This!

Many pharaohs were buried in pyramids as a way to remind people of their power. These are the Great Pyramids of Giza, built 4,500 years ago. The largest one has more than 2 million stone blocks. A nearby sculpture of a sphinx has a lion’s body and a human’s head.


  1. Why did ancient Egyptians mummify the dead?
  2. Describe a part of ancient Egyptian culture that people can still experience today.
  3. Based on the article, photos, and captions, what might people do on a visit to Egypt?

noun, plural

leaders who were like kings in ancient Egypt


Rameses II, one of Egypt’s most famous pharaohs, ruled more than 3,000 years ago.

Michael Ventura/Alamy Stock Photo


protect, or keep from going to ruin


Officials decided to preserve the original copy of the Declaration of Independence in a special case.

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