Workers at ZooTampa cared for Calliope, Soleil, and Piccolina day and night. They made buckets of special formula. Then they fed the calves from baby bottles. Piccolina was the smallest of the three. By November 2022, she weighed about 375 pounds. But experts say manatees should weigh at least 600 pounds before they are released back into the wild.
To free up space for other manatees in need, Calliope, Soleil, and Piccolina were moved to another facility. They were loaded onto planes and flown to the Cincinnati Zoo in Ohio. That’s nearly 800 miles away.
“When we first got those girls, they were very scared,” explains Tara Lay. She is a zookeeper at the Cincinnati Zoo.
Slowly, the gentle giants became more. They also grew stronger. Lay and other workers fed the manatees leafy greens. They arranged the vegetables at the bottom of a tank to look like seagrass. That helped the animals learn how to find food.