Illustration of kids washing dishes, watering plants, and feeding dog

Debate photos courtesy of familes; (all other images)

Should Kids Get Paid to Do Chores?

For many kids, it pays to help out around the house. Setting the table or making their bed could be a way to earn some cash. In a 2022 survey, 64 percent of parents said they give their children an allowance—but only if the kids earn it. 

Some people think kids deserve to get paid for doing chores. They argue that paying kids to do their part shows them the value of hard work.  

But some parents disagree. They think paying kids to do chores sends the wrong message. They say kids should learn to take responsibility by pitching in without expecting a reward. 

Here’s what two of our readers say.

Kids don’t always put in their best effort when doing chores. ­Washing the dishes or cleaning up after a pet isn’t much fun. But when a reward is involved, kids may do a better job. They may also have a better ­attitude about it. Plus, when we earn our own money for doing chores, we can learn the importance of saving. This can set us up for success in the future. 

I don’t get paid to do chores, but I still pitch in. Helping out is part of being in a family. Kids are usually the ones who make messes anyway. They should take responsibility for cleaning up. Besides, if kids were to get paid, they may expect a reward for everything they do. Parents don’t earn money for scrubbing the toilet or mopping the floors. Kids shouldn’t either! 

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