Image of plastic bag in store and same plastic bag in ocean about to be swallowed by whale shark

When plastic winds up in the ocean, animals can mistake it for food.

Kentaroo Tryman/Maskot/Getty Images (grocery); (all other images)

Plastic vs. the Planet

Much of the plastic we toss in recycling bins doesn’t get recycled. Find out why—and what you can do.

As You Read: Identify two reasons why it can be difficult to recycle plastic.

Imagine this. Lunch is over and you’re headed to recess. On the way, you toss your empty water bottle into a recycling bin. You’re keeping plastic from hurting the environment, right? 

Maybe not. In fact, a recent report might shock you. The report says only 5 to 6 percent of plastic waste in the U.S. was recycled in 2021. 

Recycling plastic is difficult and expensive. It’s often cheaper to send plastic trash to landfills. There the plastic could take hundreds of years to decompose.

Thankfully, many people are working to solve recycling problems. 

Imagine this. Lunch is over. You’re headed to recess. On the way, you toss your empty water bottle into a recycling bin. You’re keeping plastic from hurting the environment, right? 

Maybe not. In fact, a recent report might shock you. The report says only 5 percent to 6 percent of plastic waste in the U.S. was recycled in 2021. 

Recycling plastic is difficult. It’s also expensive. It’s often cheaper to send plastic trash to landfills. There the plastic could take hundreds of years to decompose.

Thankfully, many people are working to solve recycling problems. 

Piling Up 

Plastic is used to make just about everything, from shampoo bottles to food containers. And about half of all plastic is single-use. That means an item is used only once and then thrown away. The average American tosses about 218 pounds of plastic each year. That’s up from 60 pounds per person in 1980. 

All that plastic causes big problems for the environment. Countless plastic items end up as litter. They can get carried into storm drains or rivers that flow to the ocean. Birds and sea animals may mistake these items for food and choke on them or become sick. 

Plastic is used to make just about everything. This includes shampoo bottles, food containers, and more. And about half of all plastic is single-use. That means an item is used only once. Then it gets thrown away. The average American tosses about 218 pounds of plastic each year. That’s up from 60 pounds per person in 1980. 

All that plastic causes big problems for the environment. Countless plastic items end up as litter. They can get carried into storm drains. From there, they can end up in rivers that flow to the ocean. Birds and sea animals may mistake these items for food. The creatures could choke on them or become sick. 

Symbol Smarts

These symbols tell you what type of plastic a product is made from. Items that are labeled 1 and 2 are the most commonly recycled.

These symbols tell you what type of plastic a product is made from. Items that are labeled 1 and 2 are the most commonly recycled.

Type 1: Water bottles, peanut butter jars

Type 1: Water bottles, peanut butter jars

Type 2: Milk jugs, shampoo bottles

Type 2: Milk jugs, shampoo bottles

Type 3: Windows, siding on houses

Type 3: Windows, siding on houses

Type 4: Bread bags, furniture

Type 4: Bread bags, furniture

Type 5: Syrup bottles, straws

Type 5: Syrup bottles, straws

Type 6: Single-use plates, egg cartons

Type 6: Single-use plates, egg cartons

Type 7: Sunglasses, DVDs

Type 7: Sunglasses, DVDs

Not So Simple 

Why doesn’t more plastic get recycled? For one thing, there are many different types of plastic. It takes a lot of time and money to sort the plastic and recycle each kind separately.  

Meanwhile, many recycling facilities can’t handle certain plastic items. Plastic grocery bags can get tangled up in the machinery. And plastic straws can fall through. 

Plus, plastic degrades each time it’s recycled. Glass and metals can be recycled over and over. But most plastic can be recycled only once or twice.

Why doesn’t more plastic get recycled? For one thing, there are many types of plastic. It takes a lot of time and money to sort the plastic and recycle each kind separately.  

Meanwhile, many recycling facilities can’t handle certain plastic items. Plastic grocery bags can get tangled up in the machinery. And plastic straws can fall through. 

Plus, plastic degrades each time it’s recycled. Glass and metals can be recycled over and over. But most plastic can be recycled only once or twice.

Pause and Think

What is one way that people might fix the problem of plastic pollution?

What is one way that people might fix the problem of plastic pollution?

Fixing the Problem 

The good news is that scientists are working to solve these problems. One goal is to create a new kind of plastic that doesn’t degrade when it’s recycled. 

And each year, more cities and states pass laws to cut down on single-use plastics. Many have already banned plastic bags, straws, and other items. 

Melissa Valliant works at Beyond Plastics, a group that tracks how we use plastic. She points out that we shouldn’t stop recycling. But we should be sure to put the correct items in the recycling bin and the rest in the trash (see “How You Can Help”). If we really want to solve this problem, she says, companies need to use less plastic in the first place.

“Until we stop producing so much plastic, this problem is only going to continue,” Valliant says.

The good news is that scientists are working to solve these problems. One goal is to create a new kind of plastic. Scientists hope to create plastic that doesn’t degrade when it’s recycled.

And each year, more cities and states pass laws to cut down on single-use plastics. Many have already banned plastic bags, straws, and other items. 

Melissa Valliant works at Beyond Plastics. It’s a group that tracks how we use plastic. She points out that we shouldn’t stop recycling. But we should be sure to put the correct items in the recycling bin. The rest can go in the trash (see “How You Can Help”). And if we really want to solve this problem, companies need to use less plastic in the first place.

“Until we stop producing so much plastic, this problem is only going to continue,” Valliant says.

Trash Troubles

Plastic isn’t the only type of trash we should recycle. Check out this infographic to learn more. 

Plastic isn’t the only type of trash we should recycle. Check out this infographic to learn more. 

In 2021, volunteers with a group called Ocean Conservancy removed more than 1 million food wrappers from beaches and oceans worldwide.

In 2021, volunteers with a group called Ocean Conservancy removed more than 1 million food wrappers from beaches and oceans worldwide.

What We Recycle

About 69 million tons of materials were recycled in the U.S. in 2018. This graph shows the percentage, by weight, of recycled materials.

  • Paper: 67%
  • Metals: 13%
  • Rubber, Leather, and Textiles: 6%
  • Wood: 5%
  • Glass: 4%
  • Plastics: 4%
  • Other: 1%

Note: Figures have been rounded.

What We Recycle

About 69 million tons of materials were recycled in the U.S. in 2018. This graph shows the percentage, by weight, of recycled materials.

  • Paper: 67%
  • Metals: 13%
  • Rubber, Leather, and Textiles: 6%
  • Wood: 5%
  • Glass: 4%
  • Plastics: 4%
  • Other: 1%

Note: Figures have been rounded.

5 trillion

Number of plastic grocery bags used worldwide each year

Number of plastic grocery bags used worldwide each year

1 million

Number of plastic bottles purchased every minute around the globe

Number of plastic bottles purchased every minute around the globe

40 million to 51 million tons

Estimated amount of plastic trash produced in the U.S. in 2021

Sources: The Last Beach Cleanup and Beyond Plastics, Ocean Conservancy, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, United Nations

Estimated amount of plastic trash produced in the U.S. in 2021

Sources: The Last Beach Cleanup and Beyond Plastics, Ocean Conservancy, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, United Nations

How You Can Help

Shop Smarter 

Encourage your parents to bring reusable bags to the store. Ask them to choose items that aren’t packed in plastic when possible.

Shop Smarter 

Encourage your parents to bring reusable bags to the store. Ask them to choose items that aren’t packed in plastic when possible.

Get Informed

Check your city’s or town’s website to find out which types of plastic are recycled in your area. Be sure to put only those items into recycling bins.

Get Informed

Check your city’s or town’s website to find out which types of plastic are recycled in your area. Be sure to put only those items into recycling bins.

Speak Up 

One person’s actions help, but companies can make an even bigger difference. Write to companies, asking them to use less plastic.

Speak Up 

One person’s actions help, but companies can make an even bigger difference. Write to companies, asking them to use less plastic.

1. How do the photos support the article?

2. Summarize the section “Fixing the Problem.”

3. According to the sidebar “How You Can Help,” how can people “shop smarter”? 

1. How do the photos support the article?

2. Summarize the section “Fixing the Problem.”

3. According to the sidebar “How You Can Help,” how can people “shop smarter”? 

Photo of factory workers checking plastic water bottles on conveyor belts
Edwin Tan/Getty Images




The factory was known for producing a large number of plastic water bottles.



Photo of a large garbage dump
iStockPhoto/Getty Images

noun, plural

large areas where garbage is buried or dumped


Most of the garbage that people throw away ends up in landfills.

Photo of a rotting apple


to break down over time


If you don’t eat fruit soon after it’s ripe, it will begin to decompose.

Photo of the interior of a dead tree
iStockPhoto/Getty Images


decreases in quality


Some tree bark quickly degrades once a tree dies.


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