Image of an author with three of her published books from the "Love Puppies" series

Author photo by Michelle Wood Photography; Cover art by Eric Proctor, © 2023 Scholastic Inc.

Here Come The Love Puppies

These puppies—and this author—know that kids sometimes need a little help. 

Author photo by Michelle Wood Photography

JaNay Brown-Wood

Making friends. Speaking up in class. Dealing with bullies. These are issues kids like you can face every day. What if a magical puppy were there to help you? 

That’s just what writer JaNay Brown-Wood has imagined. She’s the author of the new book series Love Puppies. It features four magical puppies who help kids in need.

Scholastic News caught up with JaNay to find out more about her books.

Cover art by Eric Proctor, © 2023 Scholastic Inc.

Scholastic News: What is a Love Puppy?

JaNay Brown-Wood: Imagine the cutest puppy ever. Now add magic, friendship, and a love of helping kids. What do you get? A Love Puppy!

SN: What do you want kids to learn from your books? 

JBW: Hopefully, the books will help kids deal with tough situations. For example, how to make friends at a new school.

SN: Cool! As a kid, would you have wanted your own Love Puppy? 

JBW: It would have been amazing, especially since I was a pretty bossy kid. I would have loved if Rosie, Noodles, Barkley, and Clyde could have helped me learn not to be so bossy with others. 

SN: What’s the secret to writing a book?

JBW: Even though I love to write, it’s hard work. So I think the secret is, “Don’t give up! Keep writing and revising!” The masterpiece of your story is waiting for you. You just need to keep working to help it shine!

SN: Did you read and write a lot as a kid? 

JBW: I actually hated reading as a kid. Mainly because I couldn’t connect with the books that were available to me. So instead, I’d write my own stories—sometimes with me as the character. But now I really enjoy reading, especially since it helps me to become a better writer.

SN: How do you get ideas for your books?

JBW: I like to keep my eyes, ears, and heart open for inspiration. For example, I saw a puppy that got scared by a bigger dog. And that gave me the idea to write about a runaway puppy in one book. Inspiration can come at any time. So always be ready! 

  1. How does JaNay Brown-Wood hope the Love Puppies help kids?
  2. What is something Brown-Wood says she could have learned from a Love Puppy when she was a kid?
  3. What is inspiration, and where does Brown-Wood find it?
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